Our Projects Low environmental impact buildings for a wide range of industries and disciplines All New Build Housing Schools Higher Education Commercial Community & Leisure Passivhaus Retrofit & Refurbishment Thornhill Primary School Expansion High Barrets Cambridge Net Zero Retrofit Pilot Auchentoshan Visitor Centre Luxborough Street Montgomerie Park Primary School Beam Suntory Springburn HQ Stevenson Building Extension Longforgan Primary School Bellsmyre Regeneration Royal College Robotics South Laboratory Wilmcote House Residential Refurbishment Park East New Build Estate Regeneration Renfrewshire PAS2035 Retrofit Keyworth Primary School Bowhill Housing University of Glasgow Library Muir Road, West Dunbartonshire Ashbridge Street Double Dykes Gosport Passivhaus Homes Sussex Yacht Club Skipton Big Retrofit Project Inchture Nursery School James Riley Point Netherfield SHDF Retrofit Malton Road Social Services Hub Silchester Estate Refurbishment James Watt Nanotechnology Centre St Andrews Church Climbing Centre Shieldfield Towers Leesons Primary School Expansion Thornton Heath University of Strathclyde CNE Ellingham Primary School King’s Court Cambridge Bromley Beacon Academy Avondale Park Primary School Portsmouth Housing Retrofits Drymen Passivhaus Lochgelly Business Centre Castle Hill Primary School Denning Point Heriot Watt University Wolseley Sustainable Building Center Brent Schools Retrofit Study Gilchrist Club Alma Court, Thurrock Glasgow University Union Emmanuel United Reformed Church Miners Institute Dalintober East Renfrewshire Education Estates British Estate Hunterian Art Gallery John McIntyre Building Welcome Point Canonbury Schoolhouse Apartments Lochgelly Town Centre Regeneration Grahame Park Haringey SHDF Retrofits Ryedene Passivhaus Old Shettleston Road The Tower, City of Portsmouth College University of Edinburgh Kings Buildings Verity Close Low-Energy Retrofit Mayplace Primary School Queens Park Court Infill Development Springwell Brae New Build energiesprong Homes Pyrles Lane South Street Homes Ladyfields Passivhaus Flats and Houses Haringey Infill Housing Shuttleworth Road New Build Development Furness Special School University of Dundee Rankine Lecture Theatre Royal Ballet School Shinfield Primary School Belmont Primary School Parish Primary School Chequers B Passivhaus Homes Afflets Court – Passivhaus Wellington Close Cladding Remediation Edward Woods Boots Library Walton Court Centre RaMPHaus (Rooftop and Modular Passivhaus) Banbury Museum Drumbeat sixth form School Solomon’s Passage High Barrets Luxborough Street Bellsmyre Regeneration Park East New Build Estate Regeneration Bowhill Housing Muir Road, West Dunbartonshire Ashbridge Street Double Dykes Gosport Passivhaus Homes Thornton Heath Drymen Passivhaus Alma Court, Thurrock Dalintober Canonbury Schoolhouse Apartments Lochgelly Town Centre Regeneration Grahame Park Ryedene Passivhaus Springwell Brae New Build energiesprong Homes Pyrles Lane South Street Homes Shuttleworth Road New Build Development Chequers B Passivhaus Homes Thornhill Primary School Expansion Montgomerie Park Primary School Longforgan Primary School Keyworth Primary School Inchture Nursery School Leesons Primary School Expansion Ellingham Primary School Bromley Beacon Academy Avondale Park Primary School Castle Hill Primary School Brent Schools Retrofit Study East Renfrewshire Education Estates Mayplace Primary School Furness Special School Belmont Primary School Parish Primary School Stevenson Building Extension Royal College Robotics South Laboratory University of Glasgow Library University of Strathclyde CNE Heriot Watt University Gilchrist Club Glasgow University Union John McIntyre Building Welcome Point The Tower, City of Portsmouth College University of Edinburgh Kings Buildings University of Dundee Rankine Lecture Theatre Auchentoshan Visitor Centre Beam Suntory Springburn HQ Sussex Yacht Club Malton Road Social Services Hub James Watt Nanotechnology Centre Thornton Heath King’s Court Cambridge Lochgelly Business Centre Wolseley Sustainable Building Center Gilchrist Club Royal Ballet School Walton Court Centre Auchentoshan Visitor Centre Stevenson Building Extension Sussex Yacht Club Malton Road Social Services Hub St Andrews Church Climbing Centre Emmanuel United Reformed Church Miners Institute Hunterian Art Gallery Queens Park Court Infill Development Royal Ballet School Banbury Museum Thornhill Primary School Expansion Montgomerie Park Primary School Bellsmyre Regeneration Wilmcote House Residential Refurbishment Gosport Passivhaus Homes James Riley Point University of Strathclyde CNE Drymen Passivhaus Dalintober Ryedene Passivhaus University of Edinburgh Kings Buildings Ladyfields Passivhaus Flats and Houses Chequers B Passivhaus Homes Afflets Court – Passivhaus Cambridge Net Zero Retrofit Pilot Wilmcote House Residential Refurbishment Renfrewshire PAS2035 Retrofit Keyworth Primary School Bowhill Housing Skipton Big Retrofit Project James Riley Point Netherfield SHDF Retrofit Silchester Estate Refurbishment St Andrews Church Climbing Centre Shieldfield Towers University of Strathclyde CNE Portsmouth Housing Retrofits Denning Point Brent Schools Retrofit Study Miners Institute East Renfrewshire Education Estates Lochgelly Town Centre Regeneration Haringey SHDF Retrofits Old Shettleston Road The Tower, City of Portsmouth College University of Edinburgh Kings Buildings Verity Close Low-Energy Retrofit University of Dundee Wellington Close Cladding Remediation