James Traynor
Joint Managing Director
BA(Hons), BArch(Dist), MSc, ARB, RIBA, CEPHD
James is a registered Architect, certified Passivhaus Designer and Retrofit Coordinator with over 20 years of experience, and an MSc specialising in the application of renewable energy.
James has a particular interest in ensuring buildings perform as intended and has a particular interest in Post-Occupancy Evaluation as a means of improving building handover issues and addressing the gap between predicted and actual performance as well as improving communities through retrofit. His book, published in November 2019 by RIBA Publishing, EnerPHit: A Step by Step Guide to Low Energy Retrofit, provides a practical guide to retrofitting buildings and achieve successful outcomes tailored to suit available budgets and programmes.
In recent years James has been involved in a number of pioneering projects which address the future of building refurbishment in the UK. He has created partnerships between industry and academia to improve wider learning and is passionately committed to creating attractive, affordable and sustainable environments that meet the long-term needs of the building user.
Enerphit- A Step by Step Guide to Low Energy Retrofit | RIBA Books