Lizzy Westmacott
Associate Director/Regional Head of Sustainability
BArch, MArch,PostDip, ARB, RIBA, CEPHD
Lizzy is a qualified Architect and certified Passive House Designer with 15 years’ experience of design and getting projects delivered on site.
The combination of practical experience as an architect and a deep knowledge of sustainability enables her to build the practice’s expertise, as well as sharing our work more widely. She has excellent communication skills which are put to use talking to residents of homes we’re retrofitting, teaching and enabling staff internally and participating in sustainability groups outside the office.
In 2024 Lizzy was appointed as a co-chair of the National Retrofit Hub’s working group 1. The National Retrofit Hub is a nonprofit organisation that brings together all those involved in the retrofit sector to share their expertise and work together to enable a National Retrofit Strategy to be delivered. Its working group 1, the Warm, Healthy, Net Zero working group, was formed to map gaps, targets and outcomes aligned to 4 key themes. Sub-groups are now being formed to progress the priorities for each of the 4 key themes.
ECD Insights – Scaling up Passivhaus in Scotland – ECD Architects