Thornhill Primary shortlisted for Structural Timber Awards 2022!


July 18, 2022


Our Thornhill Primary School Passivhaus project has been shortlisted for the Structural Timber Awards 2022 for the ‘Low Energy Project of the Year’ Category! We worked alongside sister company Keegans on this brilliant project.

Featuring compelling examples of what can be achieved using the most natural and sustainable of materials, Structural Timber Awards celebrates not only outstanding projects and inspiring individuals, but the coming together of an industry.

The awards ceremony will take place on the 12th of October, we look forward to the event!

The project was the expansion of Thornhill Primary from a 1-form entry school to a 3-form entry school with a new building designed to the Passivhaus Standard and refurbishment/remodelling works to the existing building to enable both new and old to be holistically brought together.

For further information on the project: Thornhill Primary School Expansion – ECD Architects