Retrofit Imperative CPD

News article: James Traynor to present RICS CPD

August 13, 2020


James Traynor will be providing seminar titled ‘The Retrofit Imperative’ via the RICS training and events portal on 20 August from 9 to 10 a.m.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is a professional body promoting and enforcing the highest international standards in the valuation, management and development of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. RICS CPD has been developed to support those in the construction industry develop their knowledge and skills through RICS training & events.

Discussing the alignment of Fire Safety works and Climate Change mitigation to ensure our buildings are both fire-safe and climate-ready, James’ talk will cover:

  • What is Net Zero Carbon and what does this mean for the Construction Sector?
  • What does the Hackitt Review and Draft Building Safety Bill mean for the Construction Sector?
  • Why should we Align Fire Safety and Climate Change Mitigation?

The UK Government requires Net Zero Carbon by 2050, requiring a massive overhaul of our existing building stock. At the same time the Government is seeking to overhaul fire safety in buildings and implement many of the recommendations of the Hackitt Review, supporting the removal of non-combustible materials on hundreds of high-rise blocks. The investment made to resolve the fire safety defects is considerable however the cost of upgrading our building stock to address climate change is even greater.

For further information, please see the RICS events page.