Pyrles Lane

Epping Forest

New Build infill housing designed to the Passivhaus standard

Location: Epping Forest

Client: Epping Forest District Council

Status: Stage 3 Complete; planning achieved

Pyrles Lane consists of two infill development sites (A and B) providing 5 new build single-storey sustainable homes designed to the Passivhaus Standard. The development of these sites was part of a series of projects with our long-standing client Epping Forest District Council, who are developing a number of garage infill sites in order to address an urgent affordable housing need for the local area with a focus on high quality development for social rent. A high environmental focus was desired to ensure that the development provides long-term quality homes whilst tackling the increasing issue of fuel poverty.

The developments have been designed to be empathetic to the existing properties’ context, using traditional materials with a contemporary response. We have sculpted the roof form to address and provide a presence on the main elevations facing into the sites, lower sections of the roofs (the eaves) where the proposals are closest to the neighbouring dwellings, to reduce the perceived scale, and provide overhangs to southern façades to reduce summer time overheating. Properties are provided with electric vehicle charging points, private cycle stores to promote sustainable travel by residents. As with many garage development sites there were constraints:

  • Proximity and concerns from neighbouring properties, requiring the buildings to be limited to one storey in height
  • Overlooking of neighbouring properties limiting the massing and placement of the proposals
  • Site Access logistical constraints with regards to utility services and existing root protection areas
  • Works within Root Protection Areas required to be designed to minimise disruption to tree roots

Whilst developing these new sustainable homes, we have improved and added ecological value to the sites through additional soft landscaping and planting. Planting is proposed to soften the environment generally and to create separation between the public realm and private communal area serving the dwellings. Wherever possible, exposed rear boundaries feature defensive planting for the purposes of security.



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