Marion Gray Speaks to the Architects’ Journal about our Net Zero Cambridge Pilot Project

October 1, 2024
ECD’s Senior Architect Marion Gray was recently interviewed by the Architects Journal about our net zero pilot project for Cambridge City Council. The project, set to upgrade 50 homes, will enhance residents’ wellbeing while significantly reducing carbon emissions. It aligns with the Council’s broader commitment to achieving its net zero targets.
ECD were commissioned to lead a multi-disciplinary design team in 2022, including Keegans (Retrofit Assessors and Coordinators), Greengauge Building Energy Consultants (MEP), Focus (QS) and SOAP Retrofit (Monitoring and Evaluation). We explored the technical and financial feasibility of achieving Net Zero Operational Energy in council homes through the delivery of a wider range of upgrades. These include higher levels of insulation, airtightness measures, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, air source heat pumps and photovoltaic panels.
The rigorous design process for both the building fabric and integration of building services resulted in a deep ‘whole house’ retrofit that will facilitate the changeover from gas to electric heating without increasing energy bills. The roof mounted photovoltaic panels will generate electricity to offset the use of grid electricity, to meet – or in some cases get very close to – the Net Zero Operational Energy target. Monitoring and evaluation of these pilot homes will provide valuable evidence to inform the development of future decarbonisation works to council homes in Cambridge.
Talking with the Architects Journal, Marion discusses the project, as well as the benefits and challenges of retrofit. Read the full piece here: